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The Change Counsellor
How do I book my first counselling session?You can phone me on 07731 142381 for 20min free consultation; use the Contact Form on the website, or email me whichever feels best for you. I will usually respond within 24 hours, at which point we can arrange an initial assessment appointment on the day and time that suits best. I will then provide you with the address, send you a Zoom invitation or phone you at the arranged time.
How long is each session?Each session last for approximately 50 minutes. We would normally meet weekly but there is options of every two weeks or ones a month.
How much is each session? Fees?Telephone consultation up to 20min – Free The cost for each up to 60-minute session is £60
What payment methods are availible?For face-to-face sessions cash or bank card. For online sessions bank transfer in advance.
What should I expect during the initial consultation?Before you commit to regular sessions, I suggest we meet for initial consultation. I will spend a few minutes introducing myself and explaining how I work. You can ask me about my qualifications and experience, your therapy or anything you are not sure about. I will make sure you feel at ease by sorting out basic things like where you would like to sit, and whether you use first names or are more formal. We will discuss your reasons for coming to counselling and how we might work together. It is a chance for us to get to know each other. This first session is important for making sure that you feel comfortable with your therapist and their way of working. You do not have to continue with a therapist if you cannot relate to them or do not feel safe. Or I may decide you need someone with more specific expertise, in which case I will be able to refer you to a colleague or to an alternative service. Following this session, if we choose to continue working together, I will give you my Therapy Agreement and Privacy Statement, which I require you to confirm you have read and understood before we continue.
How long will counselling last?How long counselling lasts is entirely personal to you, what you would like to work on and how. We will review the work that we have done every sixth session, giving us both a chance to assess how the therapeutic relationship is working out. If you did decide to stop coming for counselling, I would appreciate if you can let me know ahead, if possible. This would give us the chance to have an ending session.
How will I know if the counselling is helping me?The way a client experiences a session is unique to them and all sessions are different. However, a good indication is a feeling of relief and outlet by talking to a counsellor in confidence, and, over time, increased clarity over your circumstances. Counselling is not always easy though; it can be hard work! So, if it involves talking about difficult experiences or material, it is not unusual to temporarily feel worse as you work through things that are painful for you, before starting to feel better. This is what makes counselling a therapeutic and cathartic process, as you work to let out what is burdening you or causing you pain.
What happens if I miss a session?I understand that life happens, or that we can fall ill and this can mean it is not always possible to attend a scheduled session. I will require at least 24 hours’ notice in advance if you cannot make a session, or as soon as possible in exceptional circumstances. You can contact me via e-mail, text or phone. I will follow the same procedure if I need to cancel a session too. Where possible and if requested I will try to reschedule your session for another day or time that week, depending on availability. A full fee is payable if a session is missed without prior notice.
Do you offer counselling 52 weeks a year?No, you will be notified of any holidays planned by myself well in advance. However, there may also be occasions when sessions may be cancelled due to illness, attending training sessions or meetings. I will try to give you as much notice as possible of any cancellation and will offer an alternative time. Therefore, please notify me of any changes in contact details.
Are my sessions confidential?Everything we discuss in our sessions together is confidential except: For the purposes of supervision. As part of my code of practice I am required to carry out continuing professional development, and to engage in regular on-going clinical supervision. This is to ensure an ethical and professional service to clients. I may discuss your case in supervision but would not use any identifying details. If, in exceptional circumstances I felt that either you or someone else were in danger or at risk of harm, whilst I would discuss with you first the possibility of breaking confidentiality, if the risk was serious enough, I may have to break confidentiality If required by law. In the case of a disclosure concerning acts of terrorism, vulnerable adult or child protection issues or drug trafficking, confidentiality will be breached, and such disclosures will be passed onto the relevant authority without delay. Due consideration should be exercised before disclosing anything of a previously unreported criminal nature, as I am obligated to contact relevant authorities.
Do you offer therapy for children or adolescents?I only offer therapy to adults (18+). However, I am happy to provide recommendations and give you contact details to therapists working with children and adolescents.
Can I have online sessions?As well as face-to-face therapy, I also provide online counselling via Zoom/Teams. This may also be a useful alternative if you were traveling for business or on holidays but do not want to miss a session. This could be also useful if you are moving away from the area, as it is much more beneficial to continue therapy with the same therapist.
Can I have counselling with you and another therapist at the same time?No, you can only have counselling with one therapist at any given time, as their approaches may conflict and sometimes, this could confuse the client and do more harm than good.
How often will I need to attend counselling?Usually counselling is offered once a week. It is possible to have therapy twice a week and for some people, this yields even better results.
How do I get the most out of my therapy?You will get the best results from your therapy if you are open and honest with me,as your therapist, and say how you are really feeling. Your relationship with your therapist is important. If we are to work together, you should feel safe and able to disclosing and discussing sensitive issues. That includes being able to give me honest feedback on how you feel about your therapy and how we are working together.
What are boundaries in counselling?Boundaries are agreed limits or rules which protect both the client and the therapist. They set a formal structure, purpose and standards for the therapy and the relationship between both parties. Boundaries include both practical details, such as providing clear, professional arrangements for appointments, fees or contact between sessions, and ethical considerations such as remaining impartial, focusing on your needs and maintaining an appropriate theraputic relationship. Your relationship with your counsellor will be a professional one. They will not be a personal friend and, depending on their way of working, may share little personal information about themselves. You will not meet or have any contact, as far as possible, outside of your therapy sessions or when your therapy has finished. The aim of boundaries is to create a relationship where you feel safe, comfortable, and able to talk about your experiences or feelings, even if they seem taboo, frightening or embarrassing.
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